
A collection of utility functions that relates to linear algebra and graphics programming

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Linearly is a library providing a collection of utility functions that relates to linear algebra and graphics programming. It is deeply inspired by glMatrixopen in new window, but adopts functional programming manner and immutable data structure.

import {mat2d, vec3} from 'linearly'

// Unlike glMatrix, you don't need to specify a receiver matrix as the first argument.
const p0 = vec2.add([1, 2], [3, 4])
const p1 = vec2.transformMat2d(p0, mat2d.fromRotation(scalar.rad(45)))

const dir = vec3.normalize([2, 1, 3])
const b = vec3.cross(dir, [0, 1, 0])
const c = vec3.scale(out, 3)

// As the values of Linearly are plain 1D arrays,
// you can initialize a vector by either way.
const a: vec2 = [1, 2]
const b = vec2.of(1, 2)

// But since vector and matrix are immutable
// and annotated with readonly flags,
// a mutation such as below are handled as an error in TypeScript.
a[0] = 3
// ^
// Cannot assign to '0' because it is a read-only property.

// Some constants such as mat2.identity are also readonly
// and defined as frozen array (applied Object.freeze).
// You can use `clone` to mutate them.
const m = mat2d.clone(mat2d.ident)
m[4] *= 2.0
m[5] = -4.5

In addition to functions that can be found on glMatrix docsopen in new window, the library also provides some useful functions. For example:


The names of modules are derived from glMatrix.

  • scalar: A single number
  • mat2: 2D linear transformation (rotation, scaling, skewing)
  • mat2d: 2D affine transformation, omitting redundant third rows, which is always set to [0, 0, 1] (translation, rotation, scaling, skewing)
  • mat3: 2D affine transformation (translation, rotation, scaling, skewing)
  • mat4: 3D transformation
  • quat: 3D rotation