The range of canvas is fixed to the size [100, 100]
The variables shown below are also available:
import * from '@baku89/pave/Path'
import * from 'linearly/scalar'
import * from '@baku89/pave'
import * from 'linearly'
// The 2D context of the canvas
context: CanvasRenderingContext2D
// Current time ranging from 0 to 1
time: number
// The position of the mouse ranging from 0 to 100. Initial value is [50, 50]
mouse: [x: number, y: number]
// Shorhands for drawing functions
stroke: (path: Path, color = accentCoor, width = 1) => void
fill: (path: Path, color = accentColor) => void
dot: (point: vec2, color = accentColor, size = 3) => void
// This is the debug function to inspect path commands
debug: (path: Path, color = accentColor) => void